With PayrollPanda, you can generate bank files for upload to Maybank portal for salary and statutory submissions and payments.

Settings in PayrollPanda

Add your company’s bank details by going to Settings > Company Settings > Bank Details and clicking on the pencil icon. Select Maybank (Malayan Banking Berhad) and choose your account type (Maybank2U or Maybank2E), then enter your company’s account details. You should contact Maybank to obtain your Organisation Code / Originator ID. Please note that M2U users who are not registered for Maybank Autocredit Software (MAS) can enter 00000 as their Originator ID.

Before running payroll, remember to enter your employees’ bank details under Payment Information in their profile in order to generate the salary bank file. Select Bank Transfer as the Payment method and enter the employee’s account details.

You will be able to download the bank files under the Bank Payment tab after approving your payroll. The crediting date is required for your salary and statutory files, indicating the date the payments should be made to the recipients.

Settings in the Maybank portal

1. Maybank2E

You should select Staff Payroll as Product and MY PAY PIPE V4 as File Format for your salary bank file. For statutory payments, select Statutory Body as Product and MY STAT BODY PIPE as File Format.

For first-time submission of statutory files, you should ensure your employer reference numbers are registered with the bank. Log in to your Maybank2E account and go to Administration > Statutory Body > Corporate Statutory Enrollment and your employer reference numbers should appear if registered. Please contact the bank if no information is shown or if you are a first-time user.

2. Maybank2u

Method 1 – Maybank2u Biz (using Bulk Payment by File Upload)
Please refer to the Maybank2u Biz video below to find out how to register for Bulk Payment by File Upload and upload your salary file to Maybank2u Biz account.

How to Register for Online Bulk Payment on Maybank2u Biz?

For statutory payments, go to Statutory Payments > File Upload/Download. Then select the statutory payment you want to make and upload the file generated by PayrollPanda.


If you have not yet registered to make statutory payments via Maybank, please refer to point Step 3B in this guide: Statutory Payments via M2U Biz.

Method 2 – Maybank2u Biz MAS (using Maybank Autocredit Software)

Proceed to a local Maybank branch and apply for Maybank Autocredit Software (MAS). Maybank’s engineers will set an appointment to visit your office and install the software. This process will typically take around 2-3 working days. You will then be able to upload the BatchPayment-Payroll MAS txt file generated by PayrollPanda Core and a new file will be generated which can be uploaded to Maybank2u Biz portal.

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